Admission and registration


Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, which amends Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, concerning the organization of official university education, states:

To access to official master’s education, applicants must hold either an official Spanish university degree or one conferred by a higher education institution in a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that entitles access to master’s education in such country.

Access may also be granted to those possessing a degree from an educational system outside the EHEA, without requiring its homologation, but following verification by the UMH that the degree represents an educational level that is equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that it entitles access to graduate education within the issuing country. Access this way does not mean, under any circumstance, homologation of the degree the interested party holds, or its recognition for anything besides acceptance into a master’s program.


Incoming student profile: For admission into this program, possession of an advanced degree, bachelor’s or technical, of a technical nature is recommended. For example, these include industrial engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, technical industrial engineering (all specialties), technical telecommunications engineering, or technical computer engineering.

Admittance into this program is the responsibility of the Master’s Committee, formed for such purpose by the Systems Engineering and Automation Department, and comprised of:
– Master’s coordinator
– Master’s assistant coordinator
– One faculty member with teaching tasks in the program

This committee will reform every year or whenever necessary due to a change of the master’s coordinator or assistant coordinator.

This committee will make a preliminary selection of the program applicants using the following criteria:

Assessment of the curriculum (20 – 40%)
· Professional experience in the field of robotics
· Courses related to the program subject matter
Assessment of the academic record (30 – 60%)
Merits especially relevant or significant in relation to the program (20 – 40%)
· Participation in research projects related to robotics
· Attendance to scientific conferences and meetings
· Publications in the field of robotics
Any other relevant information that helps verify the suitability of the applicant for attaining the program’s competencies and skills (0 – 10%)
· Awards
· Stays or collaboration with related centers
· Other qualifications

Furthermore, possession of an A2 level in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the EHEA, or its equivalent, is required. Applicants who do not officially accredit this level will be given an examination by the Master’s Committee to verify that they possess sufficient linguistic ability to follow the program’s courses.

PRE-ENROLLMENT (Course 2020/21)

The registration and enrollment deadlines for the Master’s in Robotics are:

  First period Second period
Pre-registration 4 may to 26 june 2020 30 july to 11 september 2020
Publication of provisional lists 10 july 2020 17 september 2020
Claims or remedies 13 to 17 july 2020 17 to 23 september 2020
Publication of final lists 23 july 2020 25 september 2020
New student enrollment 23 to 28 july 2020 25 to 30 september 2020
Registration of students from previous courses 21 to 24 september 2020
Application for “partial registration” of new entry Ordinary deadline 1 to 15 september 2020
Extraordinary deadline 1 to 15 october 2020

Pre-registration for the 2020/2021 academic year will be carried out entirely telematically.

The procedure for pre-registration is detailed in the following link:

Supporting services

Service of Academic Management
It is the coordination and administrative managenment service of studies at university, including PhD program. This service includes a Student Service Office, for support and advice of students.

Occupational Observatory
Its mission is to increase the level of employability of UMH graduates, including doctorates. Among the activities, counseling is included in the preparation of the curriculum vitae, for the preparation of interviews for the development of networking skills, use of social networks, etc. It also has the MENTORING program – Professional Development and Entrepreneurs, aimed at the guidance and advice from professionals from different sectors of the business world, in order to study and ensure the success of future businesses and companies. The Observatory also offers information on internship offers, job offers, courses and conferences and access to companies. These activities not only focus on the national territory, but also include international operations. The objective is to open the doors abroad so that the students of the UMH can carry out activities in any country of the world.

Campus Management Centers
The Mission of the Management Centers is to coordinate all those services, either internal or external, that are necessary for the correct and appropriate functioning of Campus administrative activities related to teaching, research and general services, as well as informing students and disseminate the academic offer of the different courses that are taught at the University.


Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, which amends Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, concerning the organization of official university education, states:

To access to official master’s education, applicants must hold either an official Spanish university degree or one conferred by a higher education institution in a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that entitles access to master’s education in such country.

Access may also be granted to those possessing a degree from an educational system outside the EHEA, without requiring its homologation, but following verification by the UMH that the degree represents an educational level that is equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that it entitles access to graduate education within the issuing country. Access this way does not mean, under any circumstance, homologation of the degree the interested party holds, or its recognition for anything besides acceptance into a master’s program.


Incoming student profile: For admission into this program, possession of an advanced degree, bachelor’s or technical, of a technical nature is recommended. For example, these include industrial engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, technical industrial engineering (all specialties), technical telecommunications engineering, or technical computer engineering.

Admittance into this program is the responsibility of the Master’s Committee, formed for such purpose by the Systems Engineering and Automation Department, and comprised of:
– Master’s coordinator
– Master’s assistant coordinator
– One faculty member with teaching tasks in the program

This committee will reform every year or whenever necessary due to a change of the master’s coordinator or assistant coordinator.

This committee will make a preliminary selection of the program applicants using the following criteria:

Assessment of the curriculum (20 – 40%)
· Professional experience in the field of robotics
· Courses related to the program subject matter
Assessment of the academic record (30 – 60%)
Merits especially relevant or significant in relation to the program (20 – 40%)
· Participation in research projects related to robotics
· Attendance to scientific conferences and meetings
· Publications in the field of robotics
Any other relevant information that helps verify the suitability of the applicant for attaining the program’s competencies and skills (0 – 10%)
· Awards
· Stays or collaboration with related centers
· Other qualifications

Furthermore, possession of an A2 level in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the EHEA, or its equivalent, is required. Applicants who do not officially accredit this level will be given an examination by the Master’s Committee to verify that they possess sufficient linguistic ability to follow the program’s courses.

PRE-ENROLLMENT (Course 2020/21)

The registration and enrollment deadlines for the Master’s in Robotics are:

  First period Second period
Pre-registration 4 may to 26 june 2020 30 july to 11 september 2020
Publication of provisional lists 10 july 2020 17 september 2020
Claims or remedies 13 to 17 july 2020 17 to 23 september 2020
Publication of final lists 23 july 2020 25 september 2020
New student enrollment 23 to 28 july 2020 25 to 30 september 2020
Registration of students from previous courses 21 to 24 september 2020
Application for “partial registration” of new entry Ordinary deadline 1 to 15 september 2020
Extraordinary deadline 1 to 15 october 2020

Pre-registration for the 2020/2021 academic year will be carried out entirely telematically.

The procedure for pre-registration is detailed in the following link:

Supporting services

Service of Academic Management
It is the coordination and administrative managenment service of studies at university, including PhD program. This service includes a Student Service Office, for support and advice of students.

Occupational Observatory
Its mission is to increase the level of employability of UMH graduates, including doctorates. Among the activities, counseling is included in the preparation of the curriculum vitae, for the preparation of interviews for the development of networking skills, use of social networks, etc. It also has the MENTORING program – Professional Development and Entrepreneurs, aimed at the guidance and advice from professionals from different sectors of the business world, in order to study and ensure the success of future businesses and companies. The Observatory also offers information on internship offers, job offers, courses and conferences and access to companies. These activities not only focus on the national territory, but also include international operations. The objective is to open the doors abroad so that the students of the UMH can carry out activities in any country of the world.

Campus Management Centers
The Mission of the Management Centers is to coordinate all those services, either internal or external, that are necessary for the correct and appropriate functioning of Campus administrative activities related to teaching, research and general services, as well as informing students and disseminate the academic offer of the different courses that are taught at the University.


Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, which amends Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, concerning the organization of official university education, states:

To access to official master’s education, applicants must hold either an official Spanish university degree or one conferred by a higher education institution in a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that entitles access to master’s education in such country.

Access may also be granted to those possessing a degree from an educational system outside the EHEA, without requiring its homologation, but following verification by the UMH that the degree represents an educational level that is equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that it entitles access to graduate education within the issuing country. Access this way does not mean, under any circumstance, homologation of the degree the interested party holds, or its recognition for anything besides acceptance into a master’s program.


Incoming student profile: For admission into this program, possession of an advanced degree, bachelor’s or technical, of a technical nature is recommended. For example, these include industrial engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, technical industrial engineering (all specialties), technical telecommunications engineering, or technical computer engineering.

Admittance into this program is the responsibility of the Master’s Committee, formed for such purpose by the Systems Engineering and Automation Department, and comprised of:
– Master’s coordinator
– Master’s assistant coordinator
– One faculty member with teaching tasks in the program

This committee will reform every year or whenever necessary due to a change of the master’s coordinator or assistant coordinator.

This committee will make a preliminary selection of the program applicants using the following criteria:

Assessment of the curriculum (20 – 40%)
· Professional experience in the field of robotics
· Courses related to the program subject matter
Assessment of the academic record (30 – 60%)
Merits especially relevant or significant in relation to the program (20 – 40%)
· Participation in research projects related to robotics
· Attendance to scientific conferences and meetings
· Publications in the field of robotics
Any other relevant information that helps verify the suitability of the applicant for attaining the program’s competencies and skills (0 – 10%)
· Awards
· Stays or collaboration with related centers
· Other qualifications

Furthermore, possession of an A2 level in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the EHEA, or its equivalent, is required. Applicants who do not officially accredit this level will be given an examination by the Master’s Committee to verify that they possess sufficient linguistic ability to follow the program’s courses.

PRE-ENROLLMENT (Course 2020/21)

The registration and enrollment deadlines for the Master’s in Robotics are:

  First period Second period
Pre-registration 4 may to 26 june 2020 30 july to 11 september 2020
Publication of provisional lists 10 july 2020 17 september 2020
Claims or remedies 13 to 17 july 2020 17 to 23 september 2020
Publication of final lists 23 july 2020 25 september 2020
New student enrollment 23 to 28 july 2020 25 to 30 september 2020
Registration of students from previous courses 21 to 24 september 2020
Application for “partial registration” of new entry Ordinary deadline 1 to 15 september 2020
Extraordinary deadline 1 to 15 october 2020

Pre-registration for the 2020/2021 academic year will be carried out entirely telematically.

The procedure for pre-registration is detailed in the following link:

Supporting services

Service of Academic Management
It is the coordination and administrative managenment service of studies at university, including PhD program. This service includes a Student Service Office, for support and advice of students.

Occupational Observatory
Its mission is to increase the level of employability of UMH graduates, including doctorates. Among the activities, counseling is included in the preparation of the curriculum vitae, for the preparation of interviews for the development of networking skills, use of social networks, etc. It also has the MENTORING program – Professional Development and Entrepreneurs, aimed at the guidance and advice from professionals from different sectors of the business world, in order to study and ensure the success of future businesses and companies. The Observatory also offers information on internship offers, job offers, courses and conferences and access to companies. These activities not only focus on the national territory, but also include international operations. The objective is to open the doors abroad so that the students of the UMH can carry out activities in any country of the world.

Campus Management Centers
The Mission of the Management Centers is to coordinate all those services, either internal or external, that are necessary for the correct and appropriate functioning of Campus administrative activities related to teaching, research and general services, as well as informing students and disseminate the academic offer of the different courses that are taught at the University.


Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, which amends Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, concerning the organization of official university education, states:

To access to official master’s education, applicants must hold either an official Spanish university degree or one conferred by a higher education institution in a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that entitles access to master’s education in such country.

Access may also be granted to those possessing a degree from an educational system outside the EHEA, without requiring its homologation, but following verification by the UMH that the degree represents an educational level that is equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that it entitles access to graduate education within the issuing country. Access this way does not mean, under any circumstance, homologation of the degree the interested party holds, or its recognition for anything besides acceptance into a master’s program.


Incoming student profile: For admission into this program, possession of an advanced degree, bachelor’s or technical, of a technical nature is recommended. For example, these include industrial engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, technical industrial engineering (all specialties), technical telecommunications engineering, or technical computer engineering.

Admittance into this program is the responsibility of the Master’s Committee, formed for such purpose by the Systems Engineering and Automation Department, and comprised of:
– Master’s coordinator
– Master’s assistant coordinator
– One faculty member with teaching tasks in the program

This committee will reform every year or whenever necessary due to a change of the master’s coordinator or assistant coordinator.

This committee will make a preliminary selection of the program applicants using the following criteria:

Assessment of the curriculum (20 – 40%)
· Professional experience in the field of robotics
· Courses related to the program subject matter
Assessment of the academic record (30 – 60%)
Merits especially relevant or significant in relation to the program (20 – 40%)
· Participation in research projects related to robotics
· Attendance to scientific conferences and meetings
· Publications in the field of robotics
Any other relevant information that helps verify the suitability of the applicant for attaining the program’s competencies and skills (0 – 10%)
· Awards
· Stays or collaboration with related centers
· Other qualifications

Furthermore, possession of an A2 level in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the EHEA, or its equivalent, is required. Applicants who do not officially accredit this level will be given an examination by the Master’s Committee to verify that they possess sufficient linguistic ability to follow the program’s courses.

PRE-ENROLLMENT (Course 2020/21)

The registration and enrollment deadlines for the Master’s in Robotics are:

  First period Second period
Pre-registration 4 may to 26 june 2020 30 july to 11 september 2020
Publication of provisional lists 10 july 2020 17 september 2020
Claims or remedies 13 to 17 july 2020 17 to 23 september 2020
Publication of final lists 23 july 2020 25 september 2020
New student enrollment 23 to 28 july 2020 25 to 30 september 2020
Registration of students from previous courses 21 to 24 september 2020
Application for “partial registration” of new entry Ordinary deadline 1 to 15 september 2020
Extraordinary deadline 1 to 15 october 2020

Pre-registration for the 2020/2021 academic year will be carried out entirely telematically.

The procedure for pre-registration is detailed in the following link:

Supporting services

Service of Academic Management
It is the coordination and administrative managenment service of studies at university, including PhD program. This service includes a Student Service Office, for support and advice of students.

Occupational Observatory
Its mission is to increase the level of employability of UMH graduates, including doctorates. Among the activities, counseling is included in the preparation of the curriculum vitae, for the preparation of interviews for the development of networking skills, use of social networks, etc. It also has the MENTORING program – Professional Development and Entrepreneurs, aimed at the guidance and advice from professionals from different sectors of the business world, in order to study and ensure the success of future businesses and companies. The Observatory also offers information on internship offers, job offers, courses and conferences and access to companies. These activities not only focus on the national territory, but also include international operations. The objective is to open the doors abroad so that the students of the UMH can carry out activities in any country of the world.

Campus Management Centers
The Mission of the Management Centers is to coordinate all those services, either internal or external, that are necessary for the correct and appropriate functioning of Campus administrative activities related to teaching, research and general services, as well as informing students and disseminate the academic offer of the different courses that are taught at the University.